Our 5 Step Approach to Risk Management
Common practice among our competitors is to take the approach of requesting copies of your current coverage and focusing solely on the premium. While we realize pricing is important, the cheapest premium won’t help you if you are left with a coverage gap. We take the approach of treating your company as if it were our own. We invest the time to learn about your business to understand the risks that keep you up at night. In turn, this allows us to develop the most cost effective solutions. Our approach to your business and its needs are best summarized in our unique 5 step approach to risk management:
- 1. Our insurance programs are designed to meet specific needs of your business, not some similar business; your business.
- 2. While most agents will submit boilerplate coverage applications, your business is unique and we realize that a “one-size fits all” approach will not work in today’s complex insurance market.
- 3. We take the time to meet with your management team and key employees, as well as survey your operations.
- 4. This is followed by a thorough and detailed review of your existing polices.
- 5. Our in house experts analyze your contractual agreements with vendors, sub-contractors, tenants and service providers. This service includes review of indemnity agreements, hold harmless clauses and additional insure wording.
This detailed risk management solutions process allows us to recommend tailored risk solutions to best meet your needs. These “risk solutions” may include custom endorsements for situations that most other agencies don’t even realize an unprotected exposure exists.
Upon becoming your risk management partner, Christi remains involved with your business 365 days per year. It’s critical to have a strong risk management partner who understands the issues and has the relationships to get your story heard. Unlike some of our competitors, we maintain regular contact with our clients to better understand individual needs, discuss claim status, and deliver superior coverage with no surprises.
The Christi Difference – It’s All About You!